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Electromagnetic Weapon Load of Pulsed Power Supply
7.1.1 Fundamental Principles. Railgun is a very simple electromagnetic transmitters consisting of a paralleled metal guide rail, an armature, projectiles, and a pulsed power supply, as shown in Fig. 7.1. The armature is located between two rails and is composed of conductive material. The two metal guide rails are also good conductors.
Preliminary Study on Parameters and System Efficiency of Capacitor Energy Storage Pulse Power Supply
Preliminary Study on Parameters and System Efficiency of Capacitor Energy Storage Pulse Power Supply Based on Analytical Modeling Method Xing Li1,2, Wenyi Ye2, Xuzhe Xu2, Rongyao Fu2, Jiong Wang2, Weidong Xu2,3(B), and Ping Yan2 1 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
Research on control of instantaneous high power pulse energy supply
The electromagnetic coil transmitter, which uses capacitor energy storage and discharge to accelerate objects, has simple structure and high energy conversion efficiency. The principle of multi-stage coil launcher is to drive the coil to pass a large amount of current, and generate a powerful magnetic field in the launching channel.
Analysis of a capacitor-based pulsed-power system for driving long-range electromagnetic guns
There are various energy storage ways for PPS, such as capacitor bank, homopolar generator-inductor, explosive magnetic flux compression [11]. The PPS investigated in this paper is based on the
Analysis of Electromagnetic Performance of a Pulsed HIA with
Capacitive charging pulse power supply based on energy-storage pulse homopolar inductor generator is a very promising high-voltage and high-current pulse power supply [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9].As the core of capacitive charging pulse power supply, the power density of homopolar inductor alternator (HIA) directly determines the volume
Detonator and Pulse Energy capacitors
Capacitance and Voltage Selection - Detonator & Pulse Energy. 73 = 47,000pF2) Capacitance values at 25oC, 1. rms and 1kHz. Additional case sizes and volta. es available. Listed capacitance values and performance characteristics are for r. ference only.3) *X140, X150 or X250 needs to be in the part number for special th.
Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage Haute Température
Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage using High Temperature Superconductor for Pulse Power Supply DIRECTEUR DE THESE Pascal Tixador JURY M. Jean-Pascal Cambronne, Président du Jury M. Michel Decroux, Rapporteur M. Bernard
The Fault Analysis and Performance Improvement of Pulse
The discharge circuit of capacitor energy storage pulsed power supply module mainly includes pulse capacitor, high-power pulse thyristor, pulsed reactor, coaxial cable and copper bar [1,2,3] triggering the high-power pulse thyristor, the precharged capacitor discharges the load with a discharge pulse current of tens to hundreds of kilo
A Novel Hybrid Energy Storage System for Large Shipborne
Abstract: Although the pulsed power supply (PPS) based on capacitor has been successfully applied to engineering prototype of electromagnetic (EM) railgun,
Development and properties of a 500KJ pulsed power supply
The PPS can work independently or as a basic unit in a large pulsed power supply system used for electromagnetic launch (EML). The main components in a PPM are energy
A Novel Repetitive Inductive Pulsed Power Supply Circuit With Residual Energy
Due to the low electrical losses and low charging power requirements, the application of superconducting inductors in the inductive pulsed power supply (IPPS) for Electromagnetic Launch (EML) has great potential. In our previous studies, a repetitive IPPS circuit was proposed based on a high temperature superconducting pulsed power
An inductive-capacitive hybrid pulsed power supply for energy
The inductive pulsed power supplies for the electromagnetic launchers have one major disadvantage that too much energy is remained and then wasted in the inductors, after the projectile leaves the muzzle. This paper proposes a novel idea to solve this problem. In essence, the solution is a combination and cooperation of the inductive pulsed power
Research on Energy Recovery of Inductive Pulsed Power Supplies
A power of 950 kW at efficiency of 43 % (with energy recovery) could be obtained for pulse lengths of 180 s (limited by the available high-voltage power supply). A 30 minute pulse was performed
High-energy pulse power supply schematic. | Download
As shown in Figure 7, the pulse power source is mainly composed of a charging part consisting of a high-voltage DC power source and an energy storage capacitor group and a discharge part comprised
Pulsed Power And Its Applications | Hackaday
Since the energy stored in it is given by 1/2 CV², which gives 334 Joules of energy, the power delivered will be 3340 watts. In fact a popular hacker project is to build large capacitor banks .
Pulsed power
Maximum Power Records. Single pulse energies as high as 100 MJ, power as high as a "few hundred terawatts" with voltages between 10 kV and 50 MV, and currents between 1 kA and 10 MA, have been achieved at least as of 2006. Usage. Railgun is one of the example usage of pulsed power and it is still at research stage due to its complexity.
Energy Storage | Applications | Capacitor Guide
Applications. There are many applications which use capacitors as energy sources. They are used in audio equipment, uninterruptible power supplies, camera flashes, pulsed loads such as magnetic coils and lasers and so on. Recently, there have been breakthroughs with ultracapacitors, also called double-layer capacitors or supercapacitors, which
Design of compact high-voltage capacitor charging power supply
Abstract: The pulsed power supply (PPS) with capacitor energy storage is the integral part of launch system, which is often used as energy storage element for electrothermal-chemical (ETC) launch, electromagnetic launch (EML), and
USPAS | U.S. Particle Accelerator School
USPAS | U.S. Particle Accelerator School
Current characteristic of high voltage capacitor charging power supply
Based on the analysis and simulation result, < < and < < are evaluated to the best range of switching frequency for charging of an high voltage energy storage capacitor. 1.8 kJ/s SRC prototype is
Research on Energy Recovery of Superconducting Pulsed Power Supply
In the capacitor energy storage pulse power module, the modulated inductor is equivalent to the MA-class pulse current strong magnetic field source, which will interfere with the electromagnetic
Energy Storage | Applications | Capacitor Guide
There are many applications which use capacitors as energy sources. They are used in audio equipment, uninterruptible power supplies, camera flashes, pulsed loads such as magnetic coils and lasers and so on. Recently, there have been breakthroughs with ultracapacitors, also called double-layer capacitors or supercapacitors, which have
Design and test of a compact capacitor-based energy storage
A capacitive PPS for electromagnetic launcher has been constructed in NJUST recently with a basic cell of 220kJ energy storage, which has a good scalability.
Design and test of a compact capacitor-based energy storage pulsed power
With the development of the electromagnetic launch technology, the requirement of the pulse power supply (PPS) Consequently, the pulse capacitor of high energy density (2.7 MJ/m3) was
Structure optimization of the protection inductor for the high energy density pulse pump power supply
The high energy density pulse power supply with the capacitor bank as the energy storage unit is an essential part of the primary energy excitation system of the high power laser facility. It provides excitation pulses that meet the energy, power and waveform requirements for the xenon lamp load [1], [2].
Influence of discharge current frequency on electromagnetic pulse
The charging unit consisted of a power supply, charge switch, and the energy storage capacitor, which determined the discharge energy. The charging time of the capacitor can be obtained by (3) . When the discharge voltage and capacitance are constant, the charging time is inversely proportional to the charging current.
Design of compact high-voltage capacitor charging power supply
The pulsed power supply (PPS) with capacitor energy storage is the integral part of launch system, which is often used as energy storage element for electrothermal-chemical (ETC) launch, electromagnetic launch (EML), and other new-concept launch technology. In order to make capacitor charged rapidly, a novel
Overview of High-Power Pulsed Power Supply | SpringerLink
Intermediate energy storage devices include electric field energy storage (taking capacitors and Marx generators as examples), magnetic field energy storage
Summary of Research on Control Technology of Pulsed Power Supply in Electromagnetic
Pulse power supply is an important part of the electromagnetic emission system. With the development of insulation materials, energy storage devices and semiconductor switches, the power level and energy storage level of pulsed power supply have been2, 3].
China, Japan, US Race to Perfect and Deploy Railguns
The system consists of 29 modules that can be independently triggered and store 1.1 MJ of energy. In 2003, the German Ministry of Defense established a 30 MJ capacitor energy storage power supply system at the Rheinmetall test site for electromagnetic emission research, consisting of 24 1.28 MJ capacitor energy
Analysis and design of voltage maintaining method for
The pulsed power supply (PPS) with capacitor energy storage is the integral part of launch system, which is often used as energy storage element for electrothermal-chemical (ETC) launch